Visa Categories for Angola
Com o objectivo de simplificar e agilizar o processo de obtenção de vistos de turismo, cidadãos de 98 países estão isentos de visto para entrar em Angola.
Consulte o portal oficial do SME sobre as categorias de vistos e suas especificações
To make easy your choice of visa (which most suits your needs), we present the definition of each type of visa mentioned before and from which you can choose:
A) Tourist Visa
i. Tourist visa is granted by Angolan diplomatic and consular missions to foreign citizens wishing to enter the Republic of Angola, in recreational, sports or cultural visit.
ii. The tourist visa must be used within 60 days following the date of issue, is valid for one or multiple entries, allows the stay in Angola for a period of up to 30 days and can be extended once for an equal period.
iii. The tourist visa does not allow its holder to establish residence in Angola or the exercise of any paid activity.
1. Visas under the Bilateral Protocol on Visa Facilitation between the Republic of Angola and the Federal Republic of Brazil - 06/16/2014
a) In accordance with the Protocol and the legislation in force in each State, the competent authorities of the parties (Angola and Brazil) will facilitate the granting of Ordinary visas, in the case of Angola, and Business visas, in the case of Brazil.
b) The visa is valid for multiple entries over a total period of 24 months, allowing the holder a stay of up to ninety (90) days not renewable, in each period of twelve (12) months.
Categories of beneficiaries
Under the Protocol, Brazilian citizens intending to travel to Angola, particularly in the following situations, are beneficiaries:
a) Market research, participation in business meetings, signing contracts and financial activity, management and administrative purposes
b) Negotiation of investment projects
c) Business people and investors, except for those situations to which they apply work or permanent visas, requiring specific authorization
d) Board members of companies, except situations when work or permanent visas may apply, which require specific authorization
Deadline for Visa Grant
Angolan consular posts grant visas within 10 days from the date of request.
Gainful activity exercise
Visas granted under the Protocol do not allow the exercise of any paid activity.
2. Visa under the Bilateral Agreement on Visa Facilitation between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde - 22/03/2012
The agreement creates a mechanism facilitating the issue of visas in ordinary passports.
Under the agreement and the legislation in force in individual states (Angola and Cape Verde), the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall facilitate the provision of Short Stay visas, in particular:
1 - The Short Stay visas valid for multiple entries for a period of 36 months, allowing the holder a stay of 3-36 months, may be extended for the purpose that determined their issue.
2 - Visas for academic, sports, cultural, scientific and technological purposes, are valid for multiple entries, short or long-term, extendable, for the purpose that determined their issue.
3 - Long-term work visas, valid for multiple entries for a period of 36 months, allowing the holder a continuous length of 3 to 36 months, extendable, for the purpose that determined their issue.
Categories of beneficiaries
Under the agreement, the beneficiaries of the above visa are the citizens of the Republic of Cape Verde proven the need to frequently travel to Angola, namely:
1. Short-term:
a) Market research
b) Develop exploratory comercial contacts or similars
c) Conduct negotiations of investment projects
d) Business people and investors
e) Board members of companies
f) To conduct conferences or training activities
g) For academics, sports, cultural, scientific and technological purposes
h) Long-term work: workers involved in investment projects, contracted by public enterprises, private or mixed capital from both countries (Angola and Cape Verde) or third countries with which both countries (Angola and Cape Verde) have cooperative relations
Deadline for visa
1 - Visas for short-term and for academics, sports, cultural, scientific and technological purposes are granted within a maximum of 8 working days from the request date.
2 - Visas for long-term work are granted within a maximum period of 15 working days from the request date.
3. Visa under the Agreement between the Government of Angola and the Government of the Republic of France on the Visa Facilitation and Permanence Professionals and Interns
This agreement aims to simplify and facilitate administrative procedures for professionals and trainees of a State wishing to go and stay in the territory of another State, in order to contribute to the strengthening of economic, business, scientific and cultural relations between the parties.
A) Under this agreement, are considered professionals the people in the following categories:
1 - Stays for less than three (3) months:
a) Financial Agents and investors who have to carry out market research and studies, establish preliminary contacts in a trade or similar sector, to participate in negotiations in relation to investment projects;
b) Board members of companies that among other activities, have to establish commercial contacts, carry out assembly of equipment’s or assist customers;
c) Employees and senior staff of a enterprise that carry out a study, operation or training tour, in a subsidiary company of the same group, in the case of investment projects, deployed in the territory of another State;
d) Representatives of local bodies of the two States under mutual arrangements between states, have to establish preliminary contacts, monitoring and / or evaluation with a view to their implementation;
e) State of French national who goes for academic purposes, sports, cultural, scientific or technological in Angola;
2 – For stays superior than three (3) months, French State nationals, who wish to enter and remain in Angola, with the purpose of exercise:
a) Company leadership roles or company agents, to carry out a professional project that contributes to the development and economic growth of Angola;
b) Employees of a French company in an establishment of the same group installed in Angola (under an employment contract) and seconded employees (when the deployment takes place between establishments of the same company or between companies in the same group), as long as the person is benefiting from gross remuneration at least equal to one and a half (1.5) the minimum wage in force in Angola;
c) Activities as an employee of a French company assigned to a company governed by the local laws and deployed in the territory of Angola (when made between an agreement from both companies);
d) Employment highly qualified as an employee of a company governed by local law installed in one of the States. This requires qualification validated by a diploma of at least three (3) years of higher education, which is issued by an institution recognized by the State in which the establishment is situated; or by a professional experience of at least five (5) years in the same area.
3) Under this agreement, are considered interns the people in the following categories:
i. French nationals: registered under the French program of International Voluntary Service in Business (VIE);
ii. Nationals of both States to conduct an internship as part of a higher education institution in the State of origin and that results in the issuance of a diploma.
4) Provisions:
Angolan authorities issue by presenting the documents referred to in point VII:
a) French professionals who frequently travel to Angola, as defined in the ponit i number 1: a visa for short-stay duration with multiple entries for a period of thirty-six (36) months, which allows the holder to a stay in the territory of the Republic of Angola, for a maximum of 90 days within the 180 days starting from the day he enter the country;
b) French professionals who wish to exercise a professional activity in Angola for a period exceeding three (3) months, such as defined in paragraph a) of number 2:
A long-stay Work visa with multiple entries: thirty-six (36) months, allowing their holders a continuous basis for a period of twelve (12) to thirty-six (36) months may be extended, for the purpose that determined the issue of the visa.
c) French trainees as defined in paragraphs a) and b) point 2: a long-stay visa with multiple entries for a maximum period of twelve (12) months. If the duration of stay is subject to extension, this visa may be renewed for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, upon presentation of supporting the extension.
5) - Visa issuance deadline
1. The visa short-stay duration are issued within a maximum period of eight (8) business days from the date of submission of the visa application process. 2. Long-stay visas are issued within a maximum period of thirty (30) business days from the date of submission of the visa application process.
6 - Stay Conditions
1. As soon as they reached the territory of the Republic of Angola, professionals and trainees of French passport holders of a long-stay visa defined in Point (b) of number 1, point (a) of number 2 may remain in the territory of the Republic of Angola without having to meet other administrative formalities concerning their residence for the respective visa validity period.
2. Any renewals or extensions of visa or residence titles under the Agreement shall be subject to an application with a minimum of two (2) months of maturity. Such requests will be instructed by the competent Angolan authorities as quickly as possible (no later than sixty (60) days).
7 - Entry mode and length of family of professionals:
1. Family members of French professionals in Angola defined in Point number 2 (i) benefit from the following facilities:
a) The spouse and minor children will be allowed to enter in the Angolan territory under a long-stay visa for family of professionals.
b) The minor children, as defined in point a) of number 6, leave when they turn eighteen (18) years old, to benefit from long-stay visa for family of professionals.
4. Memorandum of Understanding on Visa Application, between the Republic of Angola and Portugal - 05/04/2006
5. Visas under the Bilateral Protocol on Visa Facilitation between the Republic of Angola and Portugal - 15/09/2011
Under the Bilateral Protocol between the Republic of Angola, the Portuguese Republic and the law in force in each state, the competent authorities of Angola facilitate the allocation of short-term and long-term visa, namely:
1. The short-term visas are valid for multiple entries over a period of 36 months, allowing the holder a continuous or interpolated stay for a maximum of 90 days per semester.
2. Visas for academic, sports, cultural, scientific, technological or for medical treatment purposes are valid for multiple entries short or long-term, renewable for the purpose that determined their issue
3. Long-term Work visas are valid for multiple entries over a period of 36 months, allowing its holder a continuous basis for periods of 12 to 36 months, extendable, for the purpose that determined their issue.
The beneficiaries of this type of visa are Portuguese citizens that have proven the need to frequently travel to Angola:
1. For short-term:
a) Market research
b) Develop exploratory comercial contacts or similars
c) Conduct negotiations of investment projects
d) Business people and investors
e) Board members of companies
f) Assemble equipments and provide after sales services
g) To conduct conferences or training activities
2. For academics, sports, cultural, scientific and technological purposes, as well as citizens in search of medical treatment and their companions
3. For long-term:
a) Workers involved in investment projects, as for example: projects of national reconstruction, contracted by a public company, private or of mixed capital from both countries.
Deadline for grant
1. For Short Term visas and for academic, sports, cultural, scientific and technological purposes, as well as citizens in search of medical treatment and their escorts are granted within a maximum of 8 working days from the request date.
2. Work Visas for long-term are granted within a maximum period of 30 working days from the request date.
3. Renewals or extensions necessary to ensure the permanence of applicants in Angola until the end of the condition which determined visa concession to be granted by the competent authorities of the Republic of Angola within 5 working days from the request date.